Montreal hands out the most fines in Canada

The City of Montreal issues more fines than any other cities in Canada, according to a report released Thursday.
Last year, fines brought $186 million in revenue to the city, representing an average of $111 for every Montrealer.
Results in Laval show an average of $43 per person, whereas Quebec City stands at $32 for every citizen.
The average price per ticket is also higher in Montreal. Parking tickets, for example, cost $52 in Montreal, compared to $39 in Quebec City and $30 in Toronto.
City officials are defending Montreal's high ticket rates by saying the revenues represent four per cent of the city's total income.
Michel Applebaum, president of Montreal's executive committee, said people should look at the numbers differently.
"It's too simplistic to look at the numbers that way," said Applebaum. "Officers make sure they're respecting the signing and the law."
Eric Lamontagne of SOS Ticket, a group that analyzes fines and directs people through appeal cases, said people should pay their tickets or be prepared to fight them in court.
"You have to understand that you need a defence. If you have in mind to have clemency from the judge — no, that's not how it works," he said.