Montreal St. Patrick's Day parade: What you need to know
Tens of thousands expected at North America's longest-running St. Patrick's Day parade

This Sunday marks the 192nd edition of Montreal’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, the longest-running St. Patrick’s Day parade in North America. Here’s everything you need to know to enjoy this year’s parade:
WHO: Organized by the United Irish Societies of Montreal, this year’s parade features 100 different groups, including 11 marching bands and several floats. Many CBC Montreal personalities will be marching in the parade. Tens of thousands of people are expected to attend. This year’s grand marshal is Jacques-Cartier MNA Geoff Kelley.
WHAT: The longest-running St. Patrick’s Day parade in North America, and a celebration of the arrival of spring and everything Irish for all Montrealers.
WHERE: Parade starts at the corner of Fort and Ste-Catherine Streets, heading east along Ste-Catherine and wrapping up at Philips Square

WHEN: Parade starts at 12 p.m. on Sunday March 22 and generally runs about three hours
WHY: Why not? Everyone’s Irish for one day a year!
WHAT’S NEW THIS YEAR: The Collective Opposed to Police Brutality has organized a demonstration to coincide with the parade. The group has had violent clashes with police in the past. Parade organizers, police and mayor Denis Coderre are promising the parade will go on without a hitch. The collective says it’s not targeting the parade or its participants.