Got snow tires? Winter weather to bring flurries, freezing rain
Slippery conditions expected overnight, with sub-zero temperatures and flurries expected by weekend

Montreal motorists who haven't switched their summer tires for winter treads may regret their procrastination in the coming week, as snow is in the forecast.
The temperature is hovering just above the freezing mark this evening, and skies are cloudy.
There will be snow mixed with rain, beginning as early as 10 p.m., with a risk of freezing rain overnight.
About two centimetres of snow is expected for Montreal.
Tuesday morning will begin with snow, but by afternoon, the snow will switch to rain. Tuesday's high is 4 C.
Starting Wednesday, Montrealers can expect a couple days of sunny weather, with periods of snow Thursday.
Snow and flurries are back in the forecast for Friday, with a high of –1 C.
There is a 60 per cent chance of flurries throughout the weekend. Saturday's forecast high is zero, and Sunday's is –3 C.