Bromont, Que., council votes to ban pit bulls
Over 1,000 people have signed petition to see pit-bull ban decision reversed

People in Bromont, Que., are no longer allowed to adopt or buy pit bull dogs, according to a new municipal bylaw which came into effect on January 15.
The town joins about 50 other municipalities in Quebec which don't allow the breed.
Mayor Pauline Quinlan said the bylaw was changed at the advice of the town's police. There hasn't been a pit bull attack in Bromont, but Quinlan said council is worried they could be dangerous.
"You know, these dogs are strong, and they will not let go of their prey," she said.
Council voted unanimously to ban the dogs.
People who own pit bulls will be able to keep them, but new pit bulls won't be allowed to be registered with the municipality.
Petition launched to reverse decision
The decision sparked an immediate backlash. A petition was launched which now has over 1,000 signatures.
Comments on the petition say experts should have been consulted before the bylaw was changed. They argue pit bulls are perfectly safe, as long as they are well trained.
Quinlan said council is willing to reverse the decision, if members can be persuaded the dogs aren't dangerous.
"Let's be open to finding solutions, but I think the goal is to make sure everybody's safe," she said.