Pointe-Saint-Charles mosque vandalism suspect sought
Police ask for public's help identifying man shown in surveillance video throwing objects at mosque

Montreal police are asking for the public's help locating a man in connection with a mosque that was vandalized in Montreal's Pointe-Saint-Charles neighbourhood.
Police say around 7:23 a.m. on Feb. 2, someone overseeing the Khadijah Masjid Islamic Centre heard a noise outside.
When the person left the building a little while later, he noticed an egg had been thrown at the entrance and a window was smashed. Brick fragments were found on the ground. The person then called 911.
The incident happened the same day as the Montreal-based public funeral for the victims of the Quebec City mosque shooting.
The SPVM's hate crimes unit released security camera images showing a person throwing at least one object at the building.
Police describe the suspect as a white man who is between 40 and 50 years old. Anyone with information about him is asked to contact police at (514) 393-1133.