Montreal Metro trespassing video prompts police investigation
People seen in video climbing underneath manhole, on tracks could face hefty fines

Montreal police are investigating a YouTube video that shows two individuals trespassing onto restricted-access areas of the Montreal Metro system.
In the video "Lowest Point in Montreal," two people are seen to be climbing down a manhole on a Montreal street, then accessing the Metro tunnels, where they walk down Metro tracks, wave firecrackers and access areas that appear to contain fuses and outlets.
Montreal police are reviewing security footage from the Metro, but have not yet identified the individuals, who could face several charges each of up to $500.
Montreal police investigator Carole Lalonde, from the Metro security unit, says such incidents are rare.
"We are concerned with what we saw, and we will talk with the STM and see how we can improve ourselves," said Lalonde.
The STM has denounced the video, saying that the acts performed in it are dangerous. Montreal's official opposition party, Projet Montréal, is calling on the STM to improve its security.
"Clearly the STM needs to do a better job of securing its own critical infrastructure," said Alex Norris, a Projet Montréal councillor and vice-president of the City of Montreal's commission on public security.
Montreal police are asking anyone with information regarding the video to call their tip line at 514 393-1133.