Pregnant wolves closely watched as flooded wildlife sanctuary evacuated in Nicolet, Que.
Owner of Zoo Académie says wolves monitored hourly, could go into labour at any time

The flooding of the St. Lawrence River has forced the evacuation of dozens of animals at a wildlife sanctuary in Nicolet, in Quebec's Mauricie region.
Around 30 of the 50 animals at Zoo Académie have been removed from the sanctuary as water levels climb.
In an interview with Radio-Canada, zoo owner Jacinthe Bouchard said she worked all night to make sure horses, skunks, a pig and wolves were not trapped in the flooding.
But what's worrying her most is the safety of her two pregnant wolves.
"The biggest problem is that I'm waiting for baby wolves, any day now," she said to Radio-Canada.
For now, the wolves are safe, and Bouchard said zoo staff are monitoring their condition hourly. She said they've been working nonstop to cope with the flooding for the last three days.
"Everything is destroyed. All of my buildings are destroyed," she said.
Nicolet mayor preparing for the worst
Nicolet, northwest of Trois-Rivières and about 150 kilometres northeast of Montreal, is experiencing significant flooding as the St. Lawrence River overflows its banks.
Parts of the area are on high surveillance, and residents have been warned there could be road closures and evacuations.
The town's mayor, Geneviève Dubois, told Radio-Canada that city officials are preparing for the worst, setting up mattresses in the event that homes need to be evacuated and residents need a place to stay.
The municipality is also offering sandbags to anyone who needs them.

With files from Radio-Canada