'We'll make sure we're heard': New Quebec feminist coalition wants improved access to justice
Coalition féministe contre la violence envers les femmes, brings together 15 women's groups

A newly formed feminist coalition is promising to make Quebec's political parties prioritize the fight to end violence against women.
The Coalition féministe contre la violence envers les femmes, which brings together 15 women's groups, was launched Sunday, four days before International Women's Day.
With a provincial election coming up this fall, the group wants to meet with all the party leaders in order to rally them to their cause.
"We will cross paths with the political parties on the campaign trial. We'll make sure we're heard," said Stéphanie Tremblay, spokesperson for an umbrella group that supports local centres that help female victims of sexual assault.
Ensuring access to legal services
The organizations that make up the group work with women who are victims of spousal violence or sexual assault, those who suffer from mental illnesses, women with disabilities, immigrants, homeless people and Indigenous people.
The coalition wants, among other things, improved access to the justice system and better administration of cases of domestic violence and sexual assault.
The coalition also wants the province to dedicate more resources to ensuring marginalized women can access services and exercise their rights.