Quebec man living with multiple sclerosis demands better care for younger adults
François Marcotte wants Quebec to evaluate care it provides younger people

A 43-year-old man living with multiple sclerosis wants the Quebec government to improve services for younger adults who live in long-term care facilities.
François Marcotte made headlines in May when he crowdfunded to pay for three showers per week at his Quebec City long-term care facility, or CHSLD.
Now he's on a mission to help younger people get better care at facilities generally geared towards an elderly clientele.
On Wednesday, he attended an event at the National Assembly where he shared his experience as a younger adult living in a long-term care facilities.
Marcotte says it may be time for the province to consider reserving special wings in CHSLDs for younger adults people or having facilities designed specifically for them.
''The system should adapt to the users' needs and not the opposite,'' said Marcotte.
Paying it forward
Louis Adam, the general manager of the Quebec Multiple Sclerosis Society general manager, accompanied Marcotte to the National Assembly.
He says the province needs to look for new models to improve the quality of life of younger adults.
"Thousands of people are moving to these facilities that aren't designed for them, it's not their place," said Adam.

Adam says the government should do everything it can to keep people at home as long as possible, in part by increasing support to caregivers.
"If we look at the costs, it is much more expensive for society to have people living in CHSLDs," Adam said.
Forum to look into CHSLD practices
Health Minister Gaétan Barrette says since Marcotte's story went public, he has not stood by idly.
Barrette says a forum taking place next week in Montreal will look at improving practices in CHSLDs.
The forum will be held on Nov. 17 and 18 at Montreal's Palais des congrès and is open to the public.
with files from Radio-Canada's Camille Simard