RCMP conduct Montreal raids linked to radicalization investigation
Police seen removing boxes and computers from home in St-Leonard borough

RCMP and Montreal police carried out several raids around the city today linked to a radicalization investigation.
At least two of the raids were connected with the 10 Montreal youth recently arrested on suspicion of trying to leave the country to join jihadists in Turkey and Syria, the RCMP confirmed.
Police officers were seen removing boxes and computers from a home in the borough of St-Leonard, in the city's east end.
Investigators obtained a search warrant, but did not say what they are looking for. RCMP said it was the first time they had raided the residence.
Alberto Teixeira, a longtime resident in the area, said he woke to the sight of several RCMP officers on his street knocking on an apartment door.
"Officers were going in and out since 7 a.m.," Teixeira said.
Just a block away, another raid took place at a semi-detached home where a teenager was arrested about a week ago. The raid there also lasted several hours.
The 10 teenagers arrested in mid-May were released without charges, but their passports were confiscated.
RCMP said at the time the investigation was continuing.
A lawyer for one of the people arrested told Radio-Canada his client is a "victim" who was approached online and promised "a better life."
Some of those arrested have ties to the six Quebecers who are thought to have left for Turkey, en route to Syria, in January.