Report on Quebec soldier's suicide finds help was delayed

An army mother whose son committed suicide after his third tour in Afghanistan said her son did not get the help he needed in time.
A coroner's report found 35-year-old Stéphane Legendre killed himself by overdosing on acetaminophen, a month after complaining that he had not been able to see a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Legendre returned early from Afghanistan in 2009 because his father was dying. He was diagnosed with depression a month later.
Legendre's mother, Camille Martel, said staff at the Valcartier Health Centre should have known her son was in trouble.
The centre classified Legendre as a "priority" three weeks after he complained that he had not yet received help.
The coroner's report recommended the health centre re-evaluate the wait times soldiers face before getting access to psychological help.