Shafia trial archive

Verdict: Shafia jury finds all guilty of 1st-degree murder
Jan. 27: What the Shafia jury did not hear
Jan. 27: Shafia canal deaths case in hands of jury
Closing arguments
Jan. 26: Shafia accused saw deceased as 'diseased limb'
Jan. 25: Shafia trial evidence points to 'murder,' Crown says
Jan. 24: Murder timeline doesn't add up, Shafia lawyer says

Jan. 18: Shafia murder trial to begin closing arguments Monday
Jan. 17: Shafia half-brother points blame at police
Jan. 16: Shafia mom scolds prosecutors, police
Jan. 13: Shafia mom tells court 'we're not murderers'
Jan 12: Shafia mother admits lying to police
Jan. 11: Shafia mom says teen's photos not a 'dishonour'
Jan. 10: Shafia mother says 'I lied' about being at death scene
Jan. 9: Shafia mother disputes accounts in diary
Holiday break
Dec. 14: Shafia son asks for hug after grilling in court
Dec. 13: Shafia prosecutor questions sibling's explanation
Dec. 9: Shafia dad says there is no honour in killing
Dec. 8: Shafia father denies involvement in family members' deaths
Prosecution's case
Nov. 29: Boyfriend tells Shafia trial teen feared parents
Nov. 28: Shafia's 1st wife feared he'd kill her, jury told
Nov. 25: Shafia family trip detoured to water
Nov. 24: Shafia dad suggested daughters possibly drugged
Nov. 23: 'Suicidal' Shafia daughter described by school official
Nov. 22: Kingston canal deaths trial hears 911 tape

Nov. 21: Salvaged cellphones offer evidence in Shafia case
Nov. 18: Accused in canal deaths says he hit car by accident
Nov. 11: Accused in canal deaths said daughters betrayed Islam
Nov. 10: Jury hears wiretap of accused in canal deaths
Nov. 8 Shafia relative warned dad might kill daughter

Nov. 1: Police interrogate Shafia family about canal deaths
Oct. 27: Canal victims' home laptop used for murder info
Oct. 26: Canal lock murder trial sees grisly video
Oct. 21: Shafia daughters killed over boyfriends, Crown says
Oct. 20: Kingston canal homicide victims feared father
Oct. 13, 2011: Jury set for Kingston locks murder trial