Spring is on the way according to Quebec's Fred la marmotte
His colleague Shubenacadie Sam agrees, with both rodents failing to see their shadow

Fred la marmotte, the star groundhog in Val-d'Espoir, Que., didn't see his shadow Friday morning meaning that an early spring is on the horizon.
More than 100 people gathered in Val d'Espoir in the Gaspé region, to witness Fred's prediction.
The news that spring was not far off was met with cheers and applause, followed by a celebratory dance by a group of local children led by a groundhog mascot.

Folklore has it that if a groundhog sees his shadow on Groundhog Day, he'll flee to his burrow, heralding six more weeks of winter, and if he doesn't, it means spring is around the corner.
Not all of the country's furry prognosticators agreed with Fred, however.
Nova Scotia's Shubenacadie Sam didn't see his shadow but Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil and Ontario's Wiarton Willie did, indicating six more weeks of winter are on the way.