STM's new AZUR train gets green light after test period
Total of 52 trains will be in service by 2018, says chairman Philppe Schnobb

More of the STM's new AZUR trains will soon be on the way after a successful testing period on Montreal's Metro network.
"This is very good news for Montrealers, as AZUR will help improve the transit experience for customers who choose public transportation," STM chairman Philippe Schnobb said Wednesday in a statement.
The new train was launched in February on the Orange line. It needed to run for 61 consecutive days without a significant issue before the STM introduced another.
The first Azur travelled some 23,000 km with customers aboard in the period since its introduction.
The AZUR cars will eventually replace the iconic blue and white cars currently in service, which were introduced in 1966.
By 2018, a total of 52 trains, each consisting of nine cars, will be operational in the underground Metro network.