STM Opus recharger quickly becomes target of social media mockery
The STM's seemingly dated OPUS card recharger, which cost $15 and requires the installation of a card reader device, may be a small step up from the current system. But users were quick to tell the STM they're still not with the times.
#InnoverCommeLaSTM floods Twitter with antiquated innovation suggestions for the STM

The STM's seemingly dated Opus card recharger, which cost $16 and requires the installation of a card reader device, may be a small step up from the current system. But users were quick to tell the STM they're still not with the times.
The tongue-in-cheek hashtag #InnoverCommeLaSTM (InnovateLikeTheSTM) quickly picked up steam not long after the transit authority unveiled its new technology at a news conference this morning.
Check out some of the best tweets from this afternoon:
<a href="">#InnovercommelaSTM</a> Un instant, nous préparons nos réponses... <a href=""></a>