No more $3.25 Metro tickets — public transit fares go up July 1
On average, local transit will cost commuters 2 per cent more

A single Montreal Metro ticket will now cost $3.50, instead of the usual $3.25, and a regular monthly pass will cost $86.50, instead of $85.
The fares are going up everywhere as of July 1.
The ARTM, which oversees public transit in Montreal, Longueuil, Laval and commuter trains and buses in the region — announced May 1 that its fares would be going up.
On average, transit will cost commuters two per cent more, though there are differences depending on the region.
The increase from $3.25 to $3.50 for Metro tickets represents a 7.7 per cent hike, annually indexed at 1.7 per cent since the price of a single ticket was raised to $3.25 at the beginning of 2015.
Single-ticket fares in Laval have not changed since 2014, and for Longueuil not since 2013.
Reduced fares for students, children and people over 65 are unchanged.
The full list of new prices can be found here.