'Challenge completed:' Justin Trudeau delivers on P.K. Subban's carolling call
Prime Minister and his wife tweet video of their rendition of Jingle Bells

Mission accomplished.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has delivered on his promise to Habs star defenceman P.K. Subban to record himself singing Jingle Bells and post it on social media.
Trudeau and his wife Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau were in Montreal Friday, making food baskets at Moisson Montréal, the largest food bank in the country.
While they were there, they recorded their bilingual rendition of Jingle Bells and posted it on Twitter Friday evening.
"Challenge accepted and completed. Jingle all the way!" Trudeau tweeted.
Challenge accepted and completed, <a href="https://twitter.com/PKSubban1">@PKSubban1</a>. Jingle all the way! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CanadaCarols?src=hash">#CanadaCarols</a> <a href="https://t.co/VwXLTk0F46">https://t.co/VwXLTk0F46</a>
The video comes two days after Subban challenged the Prime Minister to take part in the #CanadaCarols campaign.
Hey <a href="https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau">@JustinTrudeau</a>! You have great hair, but can you sing Jingle Bells? <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CanadaCarols?src=hash">#CanadaCarols</a> <a href="https://t.co/lEtLEwyaDq">pic.twitter.com/lEtLEwyaDq</a>
The idea is to create a country-wide social media singalong to brighten up the holidays for kids at the Montreal Children's Hospital and other pediatric hospitals.
Trudeau has delivered on his promise. Now Subban has his eye on another Justin – young Canadian pop star Justin Bieber.
"I know you're a fan of Hockey...Can you sing Jingle Bells, please?" Subban said in the video he tweeted at Bieber.
Hey <a href="https://twitter.com/justinbieber">@justinbieber</a> we all know you can sing! Share a version of Jingle Bells & bring cheer to sick kids <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CanadaCarols?src=hash">#CanadaCarols</a> <a href="https://t.co/7Yuq5B4ve4">pic.twitter.com/7Yuq5B4ve4</a>