Woman dies after being injured by 2 speeding vehicles in Montreal's Little Italy
1 driver arrested for impaired driving, 1 passenger sent to hospital

A 31-year-old woman has died following a two-vehicle crash in Montreal's Little Italy neighbourhood overnight.
Montreal police say the woman, a pedestrian, was hit after two cars collided at high speed at the corner of St-Laurent Boulevard and Jean-Talon Street at around 3:15 a.m.
She suffered head injuries and was taken to hospital in critical condition, where she later died.
A 26-year-old passenger in one of the cars was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries to his upper body.

Police spokesperson Véronique Dubuc says officers arrested one of the two drivers for impaired driving. The man, approximately 45 years old, was also transported to hospital for evaluation.
Dubuc says an investigation is underway to determine the cause and circumstances of the crash.