Young members of Cree community make long trek to Ottawa

The number of Cree youth making the long trek from Northern Quebec to Ottawa has almost quadrupled in size since they first left home.
Seven young men from the James Bay Cree community of Whapmagoostui set off on Jan. 16 as temperatures sat at about –50 C.
After more than two weeks on foot, the group arrived at Chisasibi on Friday.
The group plans to leave the community on Monday morning and head south to Ottawa, where they hope to arrive mid-March.
David Kawapit Jr., a 17-year-old teen, came up with the idea to walk from Whapmagoostui to Ottawa in support of the Idle No More movement.
Kawapit's group has almost quadrupled in size to 26 members.

Kawapit said the first part of his journey was the most difficult, and he is looking forward to moving on.
"Ottawa — it's another 1,000 kilometres to go — only 1,000 kilometres," he said.