83 communities that will have power restored by Thursday
NB Power is working to restore electricity to tens of thousands of New Brunswickers as a result of the severe damage caused by post-tropical storm Arthur on Saturday.
Post-tropical storm Arthur knocked electricity to 140,000 customers on Saturday

NB Power is working to restore electricity to tens of thousands of New Brunswickers as a result of the severe damage caused by post-tropical storm Arthur on Saturday.
The utility estimated on Monday that 80 per cent of the customers who lost their power over the weekend will have it restored within five days.
The remaining 20 per cent of customers are expected to have their power return on the weekend.
The utility released the following list of communities and the days that NB Power expects to have electricity reconnected.
Meghan Gerrish, a spokesperson for NB Power, said exceptions to the list would be customers who are affected by damage to their electrical entrance, extended damages to NB Power facilities and difficult-to-access areas.
By Wednesday, 11 p.m.:
- Fredericton (Skyline Acres)
- Bayswater
- Damascus
- Gagetown
- Garnett Settlement
- Grand Bay-Westfield
- Lakeside
- Long Reach
- Oak Point (Kings County)
- Passekeag
- Quispamsis
- Rothesay
- Saint John
- Summerville
- Upper Golden Grove
- Upperton
- Bocabec
- Barony
- Bear Island
- Beechwood
- Benton
- Clarkville
- Fielding
- Grafton
- Hartfield
- Juniper
- Limestone
- Lower Brighton
- Lower Woodstock
- Maxwell
- Peel
- Pembroke
- Red Bridge
- Skiff Lake
- Somerville
- Tracey Mills
- Upper Caverhill
- Victoria Corner
- Wicklow
- Woodstock
By Thursday at 11 p.m.
- Fredericton (Nashwaaksis, Marysville, Deerwood, Nashwaaksis/Brookside Drive, downtown, Devon, Southwood Park area, hill area)
- Beaver Dam
- Burtts Corner
- Charters Settlement
- Cross Creek
- Cumberland Bay
- Douglas
- Durham Bridge
- Estey’s Bridge
- Evans Road
- Hanwell
- Island View
- Jewetts Mills
- Kingsley
- Lincoln
- Maugerville
- McNamee
- Minto
- Nashwaak Village
- Nasonworth
- New Maryland
- Rusagonis
- Tracyville
- Waasis
- Zealand
- Bayside
- Bonny River
- Breadalbane
- Harvey (York County)
- Heathland
- Lawrence Station
- Mascarene
- McAdam
- Musquash
- New River Beach
- Pennfield
- Pocologan
- Rollingdam
- Tower Hill
- Wilsons Beach
- Yoho
- Upper Woodstock