Rachel DeGasperis
Rachel DeGasperis is a 2023 CBC News Joan Donaldson Scholar working as a reporter in New Brunswick. She holds a master of journalism degree from Toronto Metropolitan University and a bachelor of arts in political science from the University of Toronto. You can reach her at rachel.degasperis@cbc.ca
Latest from Rachel DeGasperis

In Fredericton's historic barracks, artists come together with each other — and the community
The soldiers' barracks in downtown Fredericton were initially designed to accommodate more than 240 British soldiers in the 19th century. Today, the barracks house local artists who create, showcase and sell their artwork through the Fredericton Arts Alliance's artists-in-residence program.
Canada -New Brunswick |

Missing report on the state of N.B. forests 'appalling,' says Green Party leader
New Brunswick's Department of Natural Resources continues to miss its due date for releasing the state of the province's forests report. The last one was published in 2015. Since then, they've missed seven years' worth of deadlines, something the Green Party leader says shows a lack of transparency that's become a pattern.
Canada -New Brunswick |

Lowest social assistance rates in Canada keep many in N.B. in 'deep poverty,' report says
According to a report by the Maytree Foundation, New Brunswickers on social assistance receive the lowest welfare payments in Canada.
Canada -New Brunswick |

Woman with pacemaker showed her scar, was patted down by man to get through airport security
Marion Howell, 62, has a pacemaker, so her doctor advised her to avoid security scanners. But when she arrived at Bathurst Airport in northern New Brunswick, no woman was available to conduct a physical search before Howell could get through security.
Canada -New Brunswick |

Helicopter swoops in to help save Grand Manan's Swallowtail Lighthouse
The Swallowtail Lighthouse on Grand Manan Island has seen decades worth of water damage due to poor weather and wild storms. The structure was months away from irreparable damage until a fundraising effort and a helicopter provided the solution.
Canada -New Brunswick |

Many in Fredericton seem unaware glass containers now accepted at redemption centres
Recycling depots across the province will now take accept non-beverage glass containers, but the program hasn't been promoted widely. That might soon change.
Canada -New Brunswick |

New Brunswick teachers, province reach tentative contract agreement
After years of disagreement, the New Brunswick Teachers' Federation and the provincial government have reached a tentative deal.
Canada -New Brunswick |
Searching for the Toners: One N.B. woman's mission to carry on her family legacy
Margaret Toner has been tracing her family legacy across generations, and connecting with distant relatives from around New Brunswick. She's also discovered a long history of love affairs and Fenianism. But digging into the past is more difficult than it looks.
Canada -New Brunswick |

Saint John hopes new block party trailer will encourage neighbourhood get-togethers
The City of Saint John has unveiled its Community Block Party Trailer, which it will provide to community groups for free for events that bring the city's neighbourhoods together.
Canada -New Brunswick |