Full list of Brian Gallant's new cabinet
Backbenchers Lisa Harris and John Ames were added to Brian Gallant's cabinet in shuffle

Premier Brian Gallant shuffled his cabinet on Monday, elevating two backbenchers into his inner circle and putting new faces into some contentious departments.
Brian Gallant: Premier
Cathy Rogers: Finance
Serge Rousselle: Attorney General, Environment and Local Government
Roger Melanson: Treasury Board

Stephen Horsman: Deputy Premier, Families and Children
Brian Kenny: Education
Victor Boudreau: Health
Rick Doucet: Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries and Energy and Resource Development, Government House leader
Donald Arseneault: Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour, Regional Development Corp.

Bill Fraser: Transportation
Denis Landry: Public Safety and Justice
Lisa Harris: Seniors and Long-Term Care
John Ames: Tourism, Heritage and Culture
Ed Doherty: Service New Brunswick, Aboriginal Affairs, Poverty Reduction
Francine Landry: Economic Development, Opportunities New Brunswick