Brian Gallant campaigning in Kent
No word on when byelection will be called

Although former premier Shawn Graham's resignation only takes effect Monday, one candidate has already started campaigning.
Liberal Leader Brian Gallant has been working the Kent riding hard even though it's not clear when Premier David Alward will call a byelection.
Eugene Doiron voted for the Progressive Conservatives last time, but said he won't in the upcoming byelection.
"They promised certain things and they didn't keep up their promise," said Doiron.
Gallant should benefit from the riding's long Liberal history and his own family links there.
"He's a Gallant, so that's good stuff," said longtime Liberal supporter Antoine Gallant.
However, Gallant said the conflict-of-interest ruling against Graham could be a challenge.
Graham resigned in February after he was fined and found in conflict over the controversial Atcon deal in which the former Liberal government offered the company three loan guarantees worth $50 million despite civil servants recommending against the bailout. Atcon subsequently went bankrupt. Graham's father Alan Graham was a director with a Swedish subsidiary of Atcon, called Vänerply.
"There's a lot of talk about it, yeah. It's probably going to hurt maybe a little bit. But it's a different person. You can't hold that against him," he said.
Meanwhile, Brian Gallant, the rookie Liberal leader, said voters he's meeting are weighing Graham's Atcon controversy against the things he did for the riding.
"So they're looking forward, like all of us, to turn the page, and I think they're excited at the fact there's going to be a byelection," he said.
The PCs haven't said yet when the vote will take place or even if they'll field a candidate.