Flu kills 5 more New Brunswickers in one week, last year's seasonal total
86 people admitted to hospital, 513 new lab-confirmed cases, 62 flu-like school outbreaks from Nov. 20-26

The flu has killed five more New Brunswickers and hospitalized another 86, about 10 of whom require intensive care, the latest weekly figures released by Public Health show.
Fourteen people have died from the flu so far this season, compared to five all of last season.
A total of 218 people have been hospitalized, up from 92 last year.
No information about the individuals, such as their ages, are provided in the influenza surveillance reports. CBC News asked the Department of Health for an age breakdown on Friday but did not receive a response.
In B.C., six youth have died after contracting influenza — a child under the age of five, three children between the ages of five and nine and two teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19.
"Early findings indicate some of the children experienced secondary bacterial infections contributing to severe illness, which can be a complication of influenza," Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s provincial health officer said earlier this week.
Deaths have been rare in "previously healthy children," she said, and those most at risk include infants and toddlers, children with chronic medical conditions, those who need to take Aspirin or ASA for long periods of time and those who are obese.
Henry promised to provide weekly updates.
'Critical' point
In New Brunswick, the Liberal Opposition has called for the government to hold a public update on the triple threat of the flu, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, in advance of holiday gatherings.
Rob McKee, leader of the Official Opposition and health critic, repeated the call in the legislature on Thursday. In response, Health Minister Bruce Fitch argued the Opposition was asking him to politically interfere and direct the office of the chief medical officer of health, which is independent from government, to hold a public briefing, after recently accusing the government of political interference.
"They can't have it both ways, Mr Speaker."

McKee countered that the province is at a "critical" point, with viruses "ripping through classrooms" and impacting its ability to deliver health-care services."
"So when will Public Health go public with a strategy to help reduce the spread of infections? And when will we see concrete recommendations, advice and safety protocols communicated to the public?"
Fitch maintained Dr. Yves Léger, the acting chief medical officer of health, is keeping the public informed by reviewing Department of Health responses to numerous media requests.
Weekly case count exceeds last flu season's total
Another 513 positive cases of the flu were reported across the province between Nov. 20 and Nov. 26, the report shows.
That's more than the 2021-22 seasonal total of 442 lab-confirmed cases.
A jump in the week's numbers was anticipated, according to Department of Health spokesperson Adam Bowie.
Until now, data for the provincial FluWatch reports and national monitoring came only from the the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre laboratory in Moncton, which is the Public Health Agency of Canada's sentinel site for the province, he said.
But data from regional laboratories is now included.
The actual number of flu cases in the province is likely much higher since most people don't get tested for the flu. They simply stay home.
The medical consultation rate for influenza-like illnesses was 136.4 per 1,000 patients visits, up from 63.8 the previous week and "above the expected levels for this time of year," according to the report.
Where is it spreading?
Of the 513 lab-confirmed cases, 25 were influenza A(H3) viruses, and 488 were influenza A (unsubtyped).
The regional breakdown is:
- Moncton region, Zone 1 — 185.
- Saint John region, Zone 2 — 90.
- Fredericton region, Zone 3 — 119.
- Edmundston region, Zone 4 — 27.
- Campbellton region, Zone 5 — eight.
- Bathurst region, Zone 6 — 43.
- Miramchi region, Zone 7 — 40.

There is now "localized activity" — the second-highest level — in all but two health zones, according to the report. Localized activity is defined as "evidence of increased [influenza-like illness] with lab-confirmed influenza detection(s) and outbreaks in schools, hospitals, residential institutions and/or other types of facilities occurring in less than 50 per cent of the influenza surveillance region."
Zone 5, the Campbellton region, and Zone 6, the Bathurst region, have "sporadic activity," which is defined as "sporadically occurring [influenza-like illness] and lab confirmed influenza detection(s) with no outbreaks detected within the influenza surveillance region."
Jump in school outbreaks
Influenza-like outbreaks in schools also jumped dramatically during the week in question, with 62 reported, compared to 22 the previous week.
These outbreaks could also be due to the "ongoing circulation of COVID-19" and should be "interpreted with caution," the report notes. They are based on absence rates of greater than 10 per cent because of influenza-like symptoms and the "distinction between influenza-like-illness and COVID-like illness is not always evident," it says.

The regional breakdown of these influenza-like school outbreaks is:
- Moncton region, Zone 1 — 19.
- Saint John region, Zone 2 — 11.
- Fredericton region, Zone 3 — 26.
- Edmundston region, Zone 4 — two.
- Miramchi region, Zone 7 — four.
A nursing home outbreak was reported in the Saint John region, Zone 2.
Nearly half of cases in Canada among youth
At the national level, influenza activity has continued to "increase steeply," according to the report.
"All surveillance indicators are increasing and all are above expected levels typical of this time of year."
During the late November week under study, a total of 8,242 lab-confirmed cases (8,226 influenza A and 16 influenza B) were reported. Among detections with detailed age information, 46 per cent were in children and teenagers.
As of last month, about 43,000 fewer New Brunswickers had gotten their flu shot, compared to the same time last year, despite warnings about a more severe season, following the lifting of COVID-19 measures.
A total of 66,488 influenza vaccines had been administered, as of Nov. 3, down from roughly 110,090.
CBC News requested updated figures from the Department of Health on Friday but did not receive a response.
B.C. launched a flu vaccine clinic blitz on Friday, opening drop-in clinics across the province for all residents aged six months and older. The clinics will run through the weekend.
The flu shot is recommended for all New Brunswickers aged six months and older, with a higher dose available for those 65 or older.
A total of 975 cases of the flu have been reported in New Brunswick since the 2022-23 season began on Aug. 28 — 71 influenza A(H3) viruses, 903 influenza A (unsubtyped) and one influenza B.