Fredericton contends with early pothole season
Pothole season has arrived roughly two months early in Fredericton, where city workers are already out filling the craters with a mixture of rock, sand and emulsion.
With this year's change in temperatures, city crews are out refilling potholes everyday
Pothole season has arrived roughly two months early in Fredericton, where city workers are already out filling the craters with a mixture of rock, sand and emulsion.
This is cold mix asphalt and, as city employee Mike Walker explained, some potholes will require daily refills this season.

This, he said, depends on the state of the hole and the volume of traffic it sees.
"The more freeze-thaw that we get, the worse it's going to be," Walker said.
Wild freeze-thaw swings are what caused the earlier-than-usual pothole season in the first place.
With files from Catherine Harrop