Horizon abortion service secrecy surprises Victor Boudreau
Health minister unaware of Horizon plans to not disclose which hospitals will provide service
New Brunswick Health Minister Victor Boudreau says he is surprised to hear the Horizon Health Network will not make public which hospitals in the province will provide abortions.

“That piece of information is news to me," Boudreau said on Friday.
"But obviously, I think if we're going to offer a service, we're going to have let New Brunswickers know where that service is."
Boudreau said he plans to bring the matter up at a meeting with McGarry on Friday afternoon.
The Horizon Health Network plans to start providing abortions in April, but it's not yet clear how many hospitals will offer the service.
Premier Brian Gallant has said abortions don't have to be offered in all New Brunswick hospitals to be accessible.
The Vitalité Health Network currently performs abortions at the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre in Moncton and the Chaleur Regional Hospital in Bathurst.
No additional hospitals in the southeast and northern district are planned at this time, officials have said.