New CEO selected for Horizon Health Network
Karen McGrath, of Newfoundland and Labrador, will replace retiring John McGarry in January

McGrath, who is from Newfoundland and Labrador, will replace John McGarry when he retires in January.
She has more than 35 years of experience in the health-care sector, including 14 years as the CEO of various organizations, according to a statement issued by the Department of Health on Thursday.
"Her skills, abilities and competencies will be an enormous asset to the Horizon Health Network in delivering sustainable, safe and good quality health-care services to residents of New Brunswick," Health Minister Victor Boudreau said in the statement.
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McGarry, 64, announced in April he would not be seeking to renew his four-year contract. His decision was unrelated to any policy disagreements with the provincial government, he had said at the time.
But McGarry did say he was disappointed by the lack of success in encouraging co-operation among the regions Horizon covers, and co-operation with the francophone health network, Vitalité.
He also noted his successor would have to continue making difficult decisions, managing public expectations with limited provincial resources.
McGrath was selected following a national search conducted with the help of an executive search firm commissioned last June.
She has served at the helm of the Georgian Bay General Hospital, Central Health (Newfoundland and Labrador), the Ontario Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association, and Health and Community Services (Central Newfoundland and Labrador).
McGrath holds a master's degree in business administration, a bachelor's degree in social work from Memorial University, and a diploma in health services management from the Canadian Hospital Association.
Horizon, the province's largest health authority, operates 12 hospitals and more than 100 medical facilities, clinics and offices.