MP Robert Goguen calls shootings 'Moncton's 9/11'
Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe MP Robert Goguen says Moncton needs better equipment and training for RCMP
Conservative MP Robert Goguen says it will be his job to ensure Codiac RCMP have the equipment and training to prevent another tragedy after an internal review by the RCMP into the three fatal Moncton shootings is complete.

"This is Moncton's 9/11," Goguen, the MP for Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe said on Tuesday night.
"Moncton will never be the same. We have to have the equipment, we have to have the training to make sure that another 9/11, another number of lives are not taken by someone with a high powered rifle on a mission."
There has been criticism since the shootings that Codiac RCMP were not equipped to deal with the gunman and didn't have ready access to hard body armour or high-powered rifles although RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson denies that.
RCMP inquiry recommendations to be followed
Goguen said the review by RCMP into the Moncton shootings will produce recommendations and he is confident the national force has the capacity and expertise to follow through on any proposed reforms.

"This is not something that's revolutionary I mean the police are very well trained, they learn from tragic situations how to better protect themselves and of course the public," he said.
Goguen said his job will be to carefully follow the recommendations and to make sure the men and women who are members of the RCMP in his riding have the equipment they need.
"Obviously the equipment doesn't just fall from the skies — there was a limited amount of equipment that was distributed on a risk factor. It's a very back-handed compliment to Moncton that basically Moncton wasn't seen as a very risky spot that required this equipment."
Const. Douglas James Larche, Const. Dave Joseph Ross and Const. Fabrice Gevaudan were killed in the attack on June 4, and Const Éric Dubois and Const. Marie Goguen were wounded.
Justin Bourque, 24, of Moncton has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder and two counts of attempted murder in connection with the shootings.