Statistics Canada plans to hire 887 to help long-form census
Agency must hire 25,000 Canadians, including 887 people in New Brunswick, to carry out long-form census

The return of the long-form census is going to give New Brunswick's sputtering economy a jolt this year as Statistics Canada plans to hire almost 900 people this year.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government reinstated the long-form census shortly after coming to power in November.
The national statistics agency will need to hire 25,000 enumerators and 4,000 supervisors later this year to carry out the census.
Martine Lamontagne, the regional director of the eastern region at Statistics Canada, said the agency estimates it will need to hire 887 people in New Brunswick.
"It will be all over New Brunswick in all the big cities and in rural areas," Lamontagne said.
"Depending on which areas people are applying there are some jobs where we could ask enumerators not only to follow up on questionnaires that have not been received but also to list some of the dwellings that are in their area."
Statistics Canada is looking for people between February and the end of August, who have the flexibility to work on evenings and weekends, when people are more likely to be at home.
The enumerators will receive training and will visit homes and follow-up with people who have not filled out the census.
The pay rate for enumerators ranges from $16.31 to $19.91 per hour, plus expenses. The agency will be looking for people to work 20 hours a week.
She said Statistics Canada will be contacting local employment agencies to post the positions and people can apply on the website.
New Brunswick's unemployment rate was at 8.7 per cent in November, but the economy has continued to lose jobs.
Last month, Statistics Canada reported New Brunswick gained 1,200 full-time jobs, but lost 4,300 part-time jobs.