New Brunswick's jobless rate edges down to 8.7%
Statistics Canada reports province lost 3,000 jobs and the labour force shrunk by 5,100 in November

New Brunswick's unemployment rate dropped to 8.7 per cent in November but the economy still shed 3,000 jobs, according to Statistics Canada.
There were 3,000 fewer jobs and the labour force shrunk by 5,100 in November compared to October, according to the monthly labour force report.
In particular, the province gained 1,200 full-time jobs, but lost 4,300 part-time jobs last month.
New Brunswick's jobless rate is above Nova Scotia's 8.6 per cent, but below Prince Edward Island's 10.4 per cent and Newfoundland and Labrador's 13 per cent.
New Brunswick's unemployment rate had stood at nine per cent in October.
The jobs news was not much better nationally.
The Canadian economy shed 36,000 jobs and the unemployment rate ticked up slightly to 7.1 per cent in November.
Regional jobless rates
The highest unemployment levels in New Brunswick continue to be in northern areas.
The jobless rate in the Campbellton-Miramichi area was 11.6 per cent in November down from last year when it was 14.6 per cent. The Edmundston-Woodstock unemployment rate was at 7.5 per cent in November compared to nine per cent last year.
The unemployment rate in Fredericton-Oromocto was 7.1 per cent in November, in Saint John-St. Stephen it was 6.6 per cent and in Moncton-Richibucto it was 6.5 per cent.