New nursing home slated for Fredericton region doubles in size
Demographics show 'significant need' in the area, provincial government says

It will issue a request for proposals to build a 60-bed facility, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Roger Melanson announced on Monday.
Fredericton was originally slated for a 30-bed facility in the 2011-2016 Nursing Home Renovation and Replacement Plan.
Demographic analysis shows a "significant need" for nursing home beds in the Fredericton area, the government said in a statement.
"In order to meet the needs of our growing aging population in our province, we are improving our nursing home infrastructure," said Melanson.
"The new facility in Fredericton will help to meet both current and future needs in the region, while also providing seniors with modern and safe accommodations," he said.
Melanson did not provide any timelines on Monday, but the original plan called for all projects to be completed by 2015-2016.
Under the request for proposals procurement process, a private sector proponent is responsible to design, build, finance, own and operate the nursing home, in accordance with the province's nursing home standards, said Melanson.
The nursing home announcement comes on the heels of the Canadian Medical Association referring to New Brunswick earlier in the day as the "canary in the coal mine" when it comes to meeting the needs of the growing seniors population.
More than a quarter of all hospital beds in Fredericton are currently occupied by patients who do not medically need to be there and are waiting for a more appropriate place to continue their care, according to the CMA.