Northcliff Resources continues tungsten mine review

Northcliff Resources is moving forward with the environmental impact assessment of an open-pit mine near Stanley that could create 300 jobs.
The Sisson Project has gone through the first phase of an environmental review and geologists are now examining more than 35 tons of core samples for levels of tungsten and molybdenum.
The environmental review has passed its first phase, which invited public comments on its terms of reference.
The Canadian Environmental Assessment agency says it received 15 comments and six requests for a review panel.
Some people living along the Nashwaak River Valley fear the mine could harm salmon habitat.
The company will now try to complete an environmental impact assessment by next fall.
If the mine is approved, construction could begin in 2013.
Chris Zahovskis, the chief executive officer of Northcliff Resources, said that based on the contemplated production rates the mine could have a life of between 20 and 23 years.
And Zahovskis said as many as 300 jobs could be created over that time.
Northcliff Resources is in a joint venture with Geodex Minerals to develop the Sisson Project.
When Geodex Minerals first discussed the project, it estimated it would spend $50 million before ground is broken on the mine and an additional $400 million on the actual construction.
The company also said as many as 750 workers would be hired during the construction phase.