Province unveils capital spending for health, schools and roads
Most money will be spent on roads, bridges and energy upgrades with a $409.5 million budget

The Gallant government has unwrapped an early Christmas gift of cash in the form of millions of dollars in funding for new schools, health facilities and roads on Friday.
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is getting an injection of $95.5 million for 2015-16. Minister Serge Rousselle made the announcement while tabling the department’s capital budget in the legislature.
Included in that is $23 million to be spent on structural review, security and air quality of schools.
There were 10 new projects also announced, including new schools in Miramichi East and Dieppe. École Marie-Gaétane in Kedgwick and Secondaire Assomption in Rogersville will get upgrading.
For a complete list of school projects to be funded, click here.
Department of Health Minister Victor Boudreau unveiled a budget of $60.2 million in 2015-16.
Major capital projects will use up over half of it, with $33.9 million set aside for things like the construction of the Fredericton Downtown Community Health Centre, a provincial mental health treatment centre for youth and the addition of a surgical suite at the Dr. Georges-L. Dumont University Hospital Centre in Moncton.
For a complete list of health projects, click here.
By far, the most money will be spent on roads, bridges and energy upgrades with a $409.5 million budget from the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Minister Roger Melanson promised funding for provincially designated highways will increase $16.2 million in 2015-16 to a total of $25 million to be spent.
The Vehicle Management Agency will have an extra $4 million in its pocket to renew the province’s fleet of snow plows and school buses.
Most of the money will be spent on highways, with $214.4 million allocated. Bridges will get $78.7 million in funding.
Some of the bigger projects include $20 million for continued work on the Route 11 Caraquet Bypass and $19.2 million to begin twinning Route 11 from Route 15 to the Shediac River;
For a complete list of transportation projects, click here.