Many roads still closed even as water levels recede
Ramps along the Westmorland Street Bridge in Fredericton are officially open again

Water levels in the lower St. John River Valley and elsewhere in the province are slowly dropping, and so is the number of road closures in stricken areas.
The latest to re-open is Route 10 in the village of Chipman, although there is a 12-tonne restriction on the bridge for now.
Flooding has closed more than 100 roads, and these still include the Trans-Canada Highway between Moncton and Fredericton.
- Water levels tumble, but could take weeks to return to normal
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- New Brunswick floodwaters to recede, but effects could last for weeks
Trucks and cars are taking routes through Saint John instead. Westbound traffic is being detoured to Route 1 at River Glade and eastbound traffic to Route 7 at Oromocto.
The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure said a significant amount of debris litters the highway, which was under water by the Grand Lake Meadows near Jemseg.
The Trans-Canada, also known as Route 2, is expected to reopen with one lane in each direction, but no firm date has been set.
"A lot of these roads have been submerged for a while and it's going to take the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure staff a bit of time to examine," said Geoffrey Downey, spokesperson for the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization.
As of Wednesday morning, Mike Walker, manager of roadway operations with the City of Fredericton, said all ramps to and from the Westmorland Street Bridge were open in Fredericton.
"It's certainly nice to see things receding quickly and get things opened up," said Walker. "All of our main transportation links are almost completely open."
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However, roads are still closed because of water and debris. Walker advises residents to avoid going through barricades in the city
In Fredericton, officials are still trying to limit the number of vehicles downtown.
Shuttles to help commuters will run until at least Wednesday, from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m, and again from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The shuttles will operate from these locations:
- Brookside Mall — pickup, drop-off location at Queen and Westmorland streets
- Willie O'Ree — pickup, drop-off location at Queen and Westmorland streets
- Grant Harvey Centre — pickup, drop-off location York and Brunswick streets (Brunswick Street Baptist Church)
- Regent Mall (former Sears location) — pickup, drop-off location York and Brunswick streets (Brunswick Street Baptist Church)
Road closures in Fredericton
- Lincoln Road at city limits (Baker Brook)
- Riverside Drive at Route 8
- Morrell Park
District 5 - Fredericton area

- Route 690 Pond Stream Road to Douglas Harbour Road
- Route 670 from Cow Pasture Brooke between Ripples and Lakeville Corner
- Route 105 between Route 107 and Kinney Road
- Route 101 Central Blissville, 280 metres north of the intersection with Branch Road
- Route 105 with detour in both directions using Allison Road and Hunter Road then back on to Route 105
- Route 105 below Hartland, detour on Route 575 and Rideout Road
- Route 105 from the Princess Margaret Bridge to McGowan's Corner
- Route 105 from intersection of route 104, four kilometres going west, water over road
- Tweedside Road closed for 8.9 km from Route 3 Brockway
- The Tripp Settlement Road in Keswick Ridge for 1.5 km from Route 105
- Kenneth Road in Glassville from West Glassville Road to West Cross Road
- Campbell Hill Road in Carlow from civic number 60 to West Glassville Road
- Frasier Road in Brighton between Mainstream Road and Ashland Road
- Duplissea Road in Central Blissville, 280 metres north of Brach Road intersection
- Rusagonis Road between Sunpoke Road and Rusagonis Stream Bridge
- Route 655 at civic 770 to intersection at Rusagonis
- Merritt Smith Road from the intersection of Mills Road north to the end of the road
- Nevers Road from civic 479 to the intersection of Route 655
- Route 714 from the intersection with Route 10 to the intersection with Fowlder Road
- Route 710 between Highway 10 to Starkey Intersection
- Cow Pasture Brook between Riplles and Lakeville Corner
- Waasis Farm Road at the intersection of Nevers Road
- Mills Road from civic 130 to 150
- Route 102 in Central Hampstead, near Pelvin Road
- Route 102 in Swan Creek, south of Burton Bridge
- Dorn Ridge Road, reduced to one lane in gravel section
- Waterville Road, 30 metres south of Maple Street in Geary Sunbury County
- Route 123 from Chipman village Limits to Stevenson Road
- Backland Road between Back Greenfield and Greg Settlement dirt road
- McKeaghan Road between Charleston Road and chipseal, about 1.5 kilometres
- Route 116, from Route 123 to Briggs Corner Road
- Starkey Covered Bridge on Starkey Road from Route 10 to Route 710
- Smith Road in Waterville closed at intersection with Waterville Road
- Post Road between Midland Road and Chipman
- Route 104 reduced to one lane around civic 228 and 246
- Route 102, 100 m from Upper Hampstead Road
- Route 705 in Wickham area from Bald Hill intersection to Kings-Queens county line
- Route 710 in Wickham area from Big Cove to Route 705 intersection
- Route 715 in Waterborough area, five km of Fowler Road intersection
- Robinson Point Road in Waterborough area
- Fanjoy Point Road in Waterborough area
- Craft Cove Road in Wickham area
- Route 10 at Coal Creek, civic number 8234 to 8286
- Branch Road 200 metres north of the intersection with Route 101
- Concorde Drive at the intersection with Garden Grove and the intersection with Route 102 in Lincoln
District 6 - Edmundston
- Quisibis River #2 in the Parish of Saine-Anne
- Iroquois River #3.5 Bridge in Edmundston
- Little River #1 Bridge in the Parish of Denmark
- Petit-Quest Road, from intersection of L'Acadie Road to Range Bye Road about 3.4 kilometres
- Riley Brook North, near Route 385 in Riley Brook
- Nadeau Road in Baker Brook between Joseph Mornault Road and Grand-Reed Road
- Route 144 from Edmundston city limits to Riviere-Verte and between civic number 1785 and 1795 in Saint-Leonard-Parent
District 4 - Saint John
- Lower Norton Shore Road in Lower Norton
- Beulah Camp Road in Browns Flat
- Darlings Island Road in Darlings Island
- Station Loop Road, from Route 100 to first house in Nauwigewauk
- Route 850 from Erb's Cove to Whiting Lane
- Route 850 from Upper Midland Road to Rogers Road
- Brittain Road from route 177 to McKenzie Road
- Milkish Creek Road between civic #125 to #142
- McKenzie Road at Woodsman's Point
- Sunset Valley Road in Nerepis
- West Tenants Cove Road in Springfield
- Browns Cove Road near Kars
- Elms Road in Kars, from Ferry Road to Route 705
- Route 845, Milkish Creed intersection
- Route 845, Moss Glen from Neck Road to Piper Town Road
- Route 124 in Springfield from Route 710 to Route 695
- Porter Road from Route 100 to Old Road
- Route 102 closed from Grand Bay-Westfield for five km before the Evandale Ferry
- Route 745 at Beaconsfield Road, dirt section only
- Route 850 from Keirsteadville Road to Whiting's Lane
- Route 850 from Route 124 to Keirsteadville Road
- Woodsman Point Road at Woodsman Point from Civic 41 to road's end
- Route 124 from Morolle Road to Valley Road
- Lawrence Long Road
- Dominion Park Road
- Ferry Cove Road
- Westfield Road at 1370
- Mellinger Crescent at culvert
- Greenhead Road at Randolph Bridge
- Pokiok Road
- Spar Cove Road
- Ragged Point Road
- Kennebecasis Point
- Bravo Landing (Millidgeville)
- Beach Road
- Bloomfield Station Road between Route 121 and Centennial Road
- Passekeag Road from Centennial Road to River Road
- Harding's Point Landing Road from civic number 62 to the ferry landing
- Kennebecasis No. 2 Bridge on Route 121 in Hampton
- Victoria Wharf Road
- Ferry Road, from Route 177 to end of road
- Sunset Valley Road in Nerepisis
- Route 845 at Milkish Creek
District 2 - Miramichi area
- Mullin Stream Road, 600 metres south of Gale Hill on gravel section
- Russellville Road in Russellville, gravel portion
District 1 - Bathurst
- Gloucester Junction Road on the upper part of gravel section
District 3 - Moncton
- New Ireland Road, 12 kilometres from Route 114.