Saint John's 'have-not' status debate revived amid equalization questions
Champlain Place Mall pays Dieppe 40% more in property tax than the Irving Oil Ltd. refinery pays Saint John

Saint John councillors, who pushed to repeal a special tax deal at the Canaport LNG development, are not quarrelling with the idea that half of the revenues generated by the move might be clawed back by the province through reduced equalization payments.
- Saint John nets minuscule tax increase after $200M refinery upgrade
- Irving Oil would pay full municipal taxes, says energy minister
- Saint John seeks answer on repealing Canaport LNG tax deal
But the situation has resurrected a debate about whether Saint John really is a have-not city in need of equalization or has been made one by provincial tax policy

But he questions why the heart of New Brunswick's industrial economy needs equalization at all.
"I don't know the answer but there's a lot of wealth in this city we can't seem to tax properly," said Lowe.
The issue resurfaced two weeks ago in Saint John with news a $200-million Irving Oil investment in its state-of-the-art refinery last fall had increased its property tax assessment by less than $700,000 and its tax bill to the city by 0.7 per cent.
The refinery is carefully maintained and has undergone constant improvements over the years, including a $1 billion upgrade in 2000 but is assessed and taxed as being worth $98.6 million.
Dieppe cashes in with Champlain Place
The Champlain Place Mall pays Dieppe 40 per cent more property tax than the refinery pays Saint John.
Coun. Shirley McAlary said she blamed New Brunswick's tax rules that exempt much of an industrial operation from assessment for shortchanging Saint John

"We shouldn't be crying for tax dollars. We've got enough businesses and industry in this city to pay for anything we need."
On paper, Saint John's assessed tax base has slipped to third in the province behind both Moncton and Fredericton, not helped by low valuations of its industrial installations.
Lowe said the fact Saint John is New Brunswick's largest recipient of municipal equalization funding at $17.5 million — eight times more than Moncton and Fredericton — is an artificial municipal poverty caused by the way the province treats industrial property tax assessment.
"So much of the things in industry are exempt. That's why we hurt so bad and then they try and compensate us by sending in the $18 million," said Lowe.
Lowe said he believes Saint John could live without any equalization from the province if property tax rules for industry were changed to allow for higher market value assessments.
"We'd be a have city then," said Lowe.