Shediac campground decision not made yet, says mayor
Area's planning commission prepares report on MLA Victor Boudreau's proposal for 750-site campground
The mayor of Shediac says a proposed 750-site campground in the community is not a done deal.
Shediac-Cap Pelé MLA Victor Boudreau and his business partner are proposing to create the new campground next to Parlee Beach. It would be the largest campground in the region.

But Mayor Jacques LeBlanc says that's up to the market to decide.
"It's about the offer and demand," he said.
"It's like, people ask me, `Is there too many coffee shops in greater Moncton?' Well, you're going to have to ask that question to the owners."
LeBlanc says town council has to give its permission to rezone the land before any new campground or cottage clusters are built in the community. That approval has not been given yet, he said.
"We're just following its due course," he said. "We're trying to be very open and transparent and treat everybody equal.
"We know that it's a particular situation. We're trying to handle this and do it the right way."
LeBlanc says the local area's planning commission is putting together a report on the campground proposal and will present its findings on March 20.
"I think that it's important to look at all possibilities," said LeBlanc."If cottages and campgrounds . . . can be done right and make sure they follow the municipal plan guidelines and the vision of the council in town, if it's done right there's no reason why we should not approve of things like that."
On March 30, town council will stage a public consultation meeting about the campground proposal.