Special needs cats hold Valentine's Day Skype date
'Tiny Tina' was found emaciated by the Edmonton Humane Society

Tiny the cat may be losing pounds, but Fredericton’s famous flabby feline has also gained a long-distance girlfriend.
Tiny weighed just over 30 pounds and was considered morbidly obese when he arrived at the Fredericton SPCA on Dec. 30.
But Tiny's luck began to turn around when he became an online sensation after news spread that the Fredericton SPCA put him on a diet.
He's already shed about four pounds. On Tuesday, he weighed 25 pounds and 13 ounces.
Perhaps, just as important as his continued weight loss, the cat now has a soul mate, a cat named Valentina.
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Valentina is experiencing severe health problems of a completely different variety.
She was found abandoned and nearly starved to death in an empty apartment in Edmonton and was taken to the city’s Humane Society.
LeeAnn Haggerty, the education and outreach co-ordinator for the Fredericton SPCA, said it was only natural that the tubby Tiny and emaciated Tina would have a Valentine's Day date.
The two cats were joined up via Skype on Tuesday afternoon.
"Valentina, or as they affectionately call her, Tiny Tina, has to gain weight, so the folks at the Edmonton Humane Society contacted us and thought it would be a good idea if Tiny Tina and Tiny could hook up on Facebook and inspire each other," Haggerty said.
"And for every pound that Tiny loses, hopefully Valentina will gain some weight."
Haggerty said Tiny's international fame has brought him financial success as well.
More than $1,700 has been raised so far for a medical fund for special needs animals at the Fredericton SPCA.
Haggerty said donations have come in from across Canada and the United States from people hoping to help Tiny and other needy animals.
The donations are being used to pay for Tiny's special diet food, his veterinary bills and medical procedures. The money has also been used to help other animals at the SPCA who were in need of special surgeries.