St. John River expected to surpass flood stage in Fredericton on Friday
The rising St. John River will reach flood stage in Fredericton on Friday and keep going up, the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization says.
River will hit flood stage on Friday in capital, on Saturday in Maugerville and Jemseg

The rising St. John River will reach flood stage in Fredericton on Friday, the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization says.
The river will likely hit the flood stage of 6.5 metres by 7 a.m., and continue rising to 6.9 metres the rest of the day and to 7.6 metres on Saturday.
Water levels in Maugerville and Jemseg are forecast to hit flood levels by 7 a.m. Saturday.
Water levels in the Upper St. John River Valley are also expected to rise in the next 48 hours but will not reach flood stage, according to the forecast.
EMO said the rising waters are due to above-normal temperatures, rain and snow melt from central and northern New Brunswick.