Stolen truck used to steal trailer full of lobster
Truck seen driving on busy street in Caraquet about an hour before trailer loaded with lobster was stolen

Police say the truck used to steal the trailer full of frozen lobster meat in Grande-Anse on Canada Day was also stolen.
The truck had been seen driving along a busy street in Caraquet during the Canada Day fireworks.
The truck is a red, 2006 Volvo transport truck with New Brunswick licence plate PTN 105.
It had been parked at a business in the Caraquet Industrial Park on June 30 and was seen there around 4 p.m.
The truck was discovered missing July 4 when the business owners returned after the long weekend.
RCMP said surveillance video shows the truck cab travelling west on Boulevard Saint-Pierre West in Caraquet at about 9:15 p.m. on July 1, as people were gathered for the Canada Day fireworks.
Then at approximately 10:15 p.m., the Volvo truck was captured on video arriving at a lobster processing plant in Grande-Anse from the east, hooking onto a trailer full of frozen lobster and then leaving with the trailer, heading toward Bathurst.
The investigation into both thefts is continuing.
Police say anyone with information about the thefts, or who may have seen either the transport truck or the trailer is asked to contact the Caraquet RCMP or call Crimestoppers.