Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News

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Stephenville's airport is no longer an airport

The Stephenville Dymond International Airport has been downgraded to a “registered aerodrome,” while a court case continues over $2.4 million in unpaid bills.

N.L. Liberals confident of a contested race in search for a successor to Andrew Furey

While the deadline for nominations is still nearly three weeks away, those in charge of the process to find a successor for Premier Andrew Furey are confident that a contested race will take place during a leadership convention in May.

Horizons at 106: Former hotel now fully staffed as transitional housing space

It's been over a year since the Newfoundland and Labrador government announced it would be leasing a hotel in St. John's as a new transitional housing facility. The facility — Horizons at 106 — had 73 residents as of Feb. 24 and successfully put 14 people into permanent housing so far.

Customers fuming over sky-high power bills, but N.L. utility says cold and wind are to blame

Newfoundland Power customers are reeling after opening their February power bills, which in some cases have nearly doubled.

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