Carla Crotty
Carla Crotty is a freelance writer in Conception Bay South.
Latest from Carla Crotty
Cold Turkey: 'Tis the season for smoking temptation
To Carla Crotty, nothing says Christmas like a lungful of cigarette smoke, and she is longing for some yuletide time with her old pal, Du Maurier.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Cold Turkey: I'm craving a smoke and I can't have one
Carla Crotty stopped smoking a few weeks ago, but she says her battle to stay away from cigarettes is still all-consuming.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Cold Turkey: Staying away from cigarettes is hard
Carla Crotty has made it through the first crucial days, but adjusting to daily routines without cigarettes is more difficult than she thought.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |
Cold Turkey: After 22 years, I'm quitting smoking
Quitting cigarettes cold turkey will kickstart a new phase of my life, writes guest columnist Carla Crotty.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |