Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson is a high school student at Waterford Valley High in St. John's. He is an active member of the local arts scene with his many puppetry projects.
Latest from Jake Thompson

Let's make vaccines mandatory for teachers and eligible students
There have already been plenty of disruptions in the school system because of COVID-19, writes high school student Jake Thompson. In a guest column for CBC Opinion, he says the best way to prevent any more is to require students and teachers to get immunized.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Before Disneyland comes to Newfoundland, let's support our youth artists first
Do Peter Pan and Wendy — of the multibillion-dollar behemoth Disney corporation — really need financial support from the provincial government? Jake Thompson argues that provincial and local governments should consider boosting financial support for young artists right here in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Politicians are on TikTok. Explain to me again why teens like me can't vote?
Like a lot of teenagers, Jake Thompson has a job and pays taxes. Yet he has no means of deciding who represents him, as he is too young to vote. He makes his case in a guest column for CBC Opinion.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Let students like me decide whether to do online or in-person classes
The hybrid model that Newfoundland and Labrador officials selected for high school students for the rest of the school year is not working, argues Grade 10 student Jake Thompson.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |