Luke Quinton
Luke Quinton is a writer and audio producer in St. John's, who returned to N.L. after a decade in Austin, Tex. His documentaries have appeared on the podcasts 99% Invisible and Snap Judgement, and on radio for the BBC, CBC and NPR. He's written on architecture and the arts for Dwell, Maclean's, the Globe and Mail, Gramophone and Eater.
Latest from Luke Quinton

Atlantic Voice
How a thinker rocking the design world draws upon his N.L. roots
Matthew Mazzotta, an award-winning U.S. artist, is inspired by his Newfoundland-born grandfather. Documentary maker Luke Quinton launches a new season of Atlantic Voice.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Point of View
Rawlins Cross: The continuing St. John's soap opera
Perhaps he's imagining it, but contributor Luke Quinton says there seemed to be "something gleeful in the speed with which the City of St. John's erased its traffic circle experiment in Rawlins Cross."
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Buried report offers insight on why expats leave N.L. — and why they'd return
Expat Newfoundlanders and Labradorians told the government why so many of them left the province. Then the government kept the report to themselves.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Point of View
Did I make the right call? Moving from Newfoundland to Texas and back again
After finding love, a way of life and deep connections in Texas, Luke Quinton made the fateful decision to move back home. He found more than he expected on his return.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |