William Ping
William Ping is a producer, newsreader and journalist with CBC at its bureau in St. John's.
Latest from William Ping
N.L. to 'reevaluate' decision to pull American liquor following 30 day delay in tariffs
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that U.S. President Donald Trump has agreed to delay tariffs while countries work together to combat fentanyl trafficking. Meanwhile Premier Andrew Furey is relieved but cautious that the President could change his mind.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Earthquake of 2.8 magnitude off Newfoundland coast starts the new year
The New Year's Day earthquake was felt throughout central Newfoundland but Earthquakes Canada says it was likely too small to cause any damage.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |
Tampa Bay nurse from N.L. feels relief after weathering Hurricane Milton
The Category 3 hurricane made landfall in Florida on Wednesday. Registered nurse Gina Quinn recounts the damage she witnessed and her relief following the storm.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |
Do you remember the 1977 Canada Games? If so, The Rooms is looking for you
The museum is looking for mementos, memorabilia and first-hand accounts for an exhibit coinciding with the return of the games to St. John’s.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Telegram losing 30% of staff, including all photojournalists, says president of union local
On the heels of the news that the St. John's Telegram will reduce its printing schedule from daily to weekly, employees have learned there will also be a 30 per cent reduction in staff, including the elimination of all photojournalist positions, says the president of the paper's union local.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

New shelter in St. John's aims to help homeless seniors in emergency situations
A 35-bed shelter on Patrick Street is the latest project from Connections for Seniors, a non-profit group that helps adults 55 years of age and up.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Opposition parties say Liberal government's economic update is a byelection ploy
While the Andrew Furey Liberals are celebrating what they call an improved economy, opposition leaders say the unusual midsummer fiscal update is timed to coincide with some voters soon going to the polls.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Joey Smallwood's Land Rover is touring Newfoundland for 75th anniversary of Confederation
The 1958 vehicle is said to be the first automobile to have ever driven across the island. It was on display at a classic car show in Torbay on Saturday and will be visiting other communities throughout the summer.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Cross-country motorcycle ride to support veterans and PTSD-awareness kicks off in St. John's
Over 40 motorcyclists are driving from St. John’s, N.L. to Aldergrove, BC, to raise awareness of the mental health struggles faced by veterans and first responders.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Equipment issue at Muskrat Falls caused widespread power outage in Newfoundland
Power was out for thousands of Newfoundland Power customers, though it has since been restored for most of the people impacted. NL Hydro says the outage was caused by an imbalance on the power system following an issue at Muskrat Falls.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |