Syrian refugee aid can be donated by calling 211 phone line in Nova Scotia
Province accepting clothing, food, lodging or money

The Nova Scotia government has announced people can offer aid to refugees arriving from Syria by calling the 211 phone line.
This new refugee assistance service is in addition to work 211 already does to connect people with different community and social services.
The line will now allow people to call 211 and their offers of aid will be catalogued. Operators on the line will take people's contact information so their donations can be collected.
The province is accepting any kind of aid for refugees, including clothing, food, lodging or financial donations.
In a news release the province says the 211 database will help ensure that supports are in place when refugees arrive in Nova Scotia.
Nova Scotia's Immigration Minister Lena Diab announced the new service at a news briefing at Province House on Tuesday.
The Nova Scotia government is starting daily briefings on efforts to bring Syrian refugees to Canada.
In a news release, the province said it has been working closely with community groups and other government agencies to prepare for the arrival of refugees.
Calls to 211 are toll-free from any phone in Nova Scotia.
Ottawa has committed to bringing 25,000 Syrians to Canada by the end of December.
The Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia estimates that Nova Scotia could receive 600 to 700 refugees, but that number hasn't been confirmed by the federal government.
Exactly when Nova Scotia could start seeing those refugees arrive hasn't been determined.