Annapolis Valley teacher pleads guilty to sexual exploitation of former student
David Benjamin Harrison committed the crime while the girl attended Northeast Kings Education Centre

A Nova Scotia high school teacher pleaded guilty Thursday to one count of sexual exploitation in relation to a teenager who was a student in his class at the time.
David Benjamin Harrison, 39, was facing three charges over the intimate relationship that lasted from 2013 to 2015. The victim had moved on with her life, attending university, but heard rumours Harrison was grooming another girl at the Northeast Kings Education Centre near Canning in the Annapolis Valley. The victim went to police last year.
RCMP arrested the math teacher in November and searched his home in Canaan, N.S.
He was charged with sexual assault, luring a child and sexual exploitation.
Harrison was placed on leave following his arrest, the school's principal told CBC News in November.
Harrison will be sentenced in June.
Prosecutor Bob Morrison told a Kentville provincial court judge Thursday that the Crown was proceeding summarily against Harrison, which means he faces a sentencing range of between 90 days and two years in jail. The jail term would be followed by probation.
Defence lawyer Joel Pink said the guilty plea was an appropriate end to the case.
- This is a corrected story. An earlier version incorrectly stated that David Benjamin Harrison had pleaded guilty to sexual interference. In fact, Harrison pleaded guilty to one count of sexual exploitation.May 30, 2019 4:30 PM EDT