Harbour Hoppers could splash down on Sydney waterfront by fall
Atlantic Ambassatours waiting for approval to run two amphibious vehicles in Sydney harbour

Atlantic Ambassatours Ltd. wants to operate two of its popular Harbour Hoppers on the waterfront in Sydney.
The company has applied to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board to run two amphibious vehicles starting in the fall.
"I think it will definitely be a huge asset to our business community," said Michelle Wilson, executive director of the Sydney Waterfront District.
'People want to be downtown but they want a reason to come, they want to be able to do something other than shopping."
'Exciting bits' of Sydney history
Harbour Hopper guides are also known for giving colourful versions of an area's history.
That's piqued the interest of the Old Sydney Society.

"It's just a terrific kind of thing because it provides local people with a chance to learn about their own history. It gives everyone a chance to learn the really exciting bits," society director Joyce Rankin said.
"As you travel along the harbour, you see things that you don't see from the road, and it gives you a whole different perspective."
Ambassatours expects to know by early spring if its application for a licence is approved.
"There's certainly a great upsurge of visitation predicted this year for cruise passengers in Sydney ... 50 per cent more arrivals in Sydney and that's quite an increase," said Terri MacCulloch, communications manager for Ambassatours.

"We're handling most of the cruise ship passengers who come to the region already so it gives us an opportunity to diversify the opportunities that those guests have to experience the Sydney area."
The amphibious vehicles were built for the United States navy in the 1960s, she said.
"We're the very happy owners of about six of them in Halifax. We've completely refurbished them and created passenger comforts and completed all of the safety requirements to have them become passenger-carrying vessels."
The approval will allow the company to operate the two vehicles in Sydney in September and October.
Wilson said she hopes to see them run all summer long at some point.