Graham Steele
Political analyst
Graham Steele is a former MLA who was elected four times as a New Democrat for the constituency of Halifax Fairview. He also served as finance minister. Steele is now a political analyst for CBC News.
Latest from Graham Steele

Citizens are the only force able to end partisan politics, says Graham Steele
In his farewell column, Graham Steele says he hasn't seen meaningful change since the Ivany report called for "a new politics."
Canada -Nova Scotia |
4 disadvantages to being Nova Scotia's opposition leaders
Progressive Conservative Leader Jamie Baillie and New Democratic Party Leader Gary Burrill can only watch and wait as Premier Stephen McNeil marshals all of his government's powers to lay the groundwork for an election.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

Solely a marketing document: Election platforms come with giant asterisks
The governing party has advantages and disadvantages when it comes to devising a platform, columnist Graham Steele writes.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

Want to influence the government? Many lobbyists don't know how, says Graham Steele
The Bill 59 Community Alliance is doing everything right to get what it wants from the provincial government.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

Graham Steele has advice for MLAs navigating social media minefields
For MLAs, social media can be useful for community engagement. But sometimes it bites back.
Canada -Nova Scotia |
Why the political fallout from the teachers' bill is just beginning
The passage of Bill 75 through the House of Assembly exposed many Nova Scotians to how politics works, and that's a good thing.
Canada -Nova Scotia |
Stephen McNeil to feel wrath of protestors unlike ever before, says Graham Steele
The sea of protesters expected to descend Friday on Province House will be unlike anything Premier Stephen McNeil has seen before, says CBC political analyst Graham Steele.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

Upcoming public hearings a change from 'ridiculously unfriendly' norm, says Graham Steele
Some hearings taking place next week on the Accessibility Act will be a model of citizen-centred public engagement. Why can't it be like this all the time?
Canada -Nova Scotia |

Highway to the danger zone? Public opinion on tolls tricky to discern: Graham Steele
CBC political analyst Graham Steele says Transportation Minister Geoff MacLellan is gauging public opinion of highway tolls very carefully. But can the information at his disposal paint the whole picture?
Canada -Nova Scotia |
Teachers wanted bread but got crumbs in new contract: Graham Steele
The reaction of teachers to a tentative agreement between their union and the provincial government suggests ratification is "a coin toss at best," says CBC political analyst Graham Steele.
Canada -Nova Scotia |