Haley Ryan


Haley Ryan is the municipal affairs reporter for CBC covering mainland Nova Scotia. Got a story idea? Send an email to haley.ryan@cbc.ca, or reach out on Twitter @hkryan17.

Latest from Haley Ryan

Halifax remains 'Canadian comeback city' for downtown activity

Halifax has led the country in downtown recovery out of the pandemic years, with experts saying the secret to success has been the area's diverse economy.

Halifax to overhaul Windsor Street exchange after council reverses course

Halifax council has reversed a decision to scrap the redesign of the Windsor Street exchange, and the major intersection will be overhauled starting this year.

Could N.S. be considering strong-mayor powers for Halifax?

Nova Scotia's municipal affairs minister is not ruling out new powers for Halifax's mayor. It's unclear what strong-mayor powers could look like in any future Nova Scotia legislation and whether the province would follow Ontario's lead.

Halifax police get funding for body cameras in approved budget

Halifax police will get funds for new civilian positions and body-worn cameras, after councillors approved full budgets for both the municipal police and RCMP.

Halifax bridges prepare to remove tolls on April 1

The Halifax bridge commission is preparing for tolls to come off in less than two months, after the provincial government solidified its election promise this week.

Halifax getting 10 new firefighters, considers new homeless supports during budget talks

The city's budget committee approved both the $97.9-million Halifax Fire & Emergency budget and the $15.8-million community safety budget on Friday, after two days of discussion.

'One of the most unique facilities': Halifax aquarium set to open this fall seeks municipal funds

Halifax's first research aquarium plans to open this fall, and is looking for funding from the municipality to help with the costs needed to stay afloat.

Halifax firefighters' union asks city to pay for cancer screenings at private clinics

The Halifax firefighters' union is asking the municipality to pay for preventive cancer screenings at private clinics, after they say members were denied through the provincial health system.

How police handle intimate-partner violence in Nova Scotia

The provincial RCMP and Halifax Regional Police are either getting, or asking for, more domestic-violence resources, and taking part in initiatives aimed at reaching cases never reported to police.

Halifax considering 7.6% increase in property tax bills

Halifax staff say property taxes must rise to handle the municipality's growing population and ongoing projects.