Bridgewater girl, 10, quizzes Nova Scotia Premier about autism
Serenity Holdbrook's 7-year-old sister has autism

A ten-year-old girl from Bridgewater put questions to Premier Stephen McNeil last week.
Serenity Holdbrook wanted to know how much he understood about autism, a health condition about which she cares deeply.
"My sister, Nevaeh, has autism, and you can't yell at her because she'll always get upset," she said.
"You got to give [her] time to experience things."
McNeil was visiting Hinchenbrook Farm in Blockhouse, N.S., Thursday, meeting with parents about the programming, including for children with autism.

'So many extraordinary people'
Serenity took the change to quiz the Premier for her new YouTube channel.
"What do you think when you hear the word autism?" Serenity asked on camera.
"I think of special people and so many extraordinary people who have autism surrounded by supporting families and loving communities," McNeil responded.
Funding gaps
The McNeil government promised in May to invest an extra $3.6 million in Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention for preschool children.
That same month, parents complained of 'excruciating' nearly year-long waits for the program at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, and a lack of options for school-age kids.

'They miss out'
Kristy Holdbrook, Serenity and Nevaeh's mother, said she thinks the province should better fund autism-specific health and educational support.
The family has only accessed seven-year-old Nevaeh's athletic programs because they qualify for financial aid, she said. Those can cost hundreds of dollars out of pocket otherwise.
"I know other people that can't afford to do it," Holdbrook said.
"It's unfair to them because they miss out, so we've been very lucky."
Those programs are essential for her daughter to learn and be included, she said, especially as many people are unsure of how to interact with her.

Special Books by Special Kids inspires
The Holdbrook family also recently attended a camp at the farm, at which they met special education teacher and motivational speaker Chris Ulmer. He interviews children for Special Books by Special Kids, and uses those videos to educate people.
A recent one highlighted a Truro family's touching Down symdrome story.

'Gives them time'
Meeting Ulmer — and having her sister interviewed — inspired Serenity to help others share their thoughts.
"I like how he gives them the time to think about it and experience it — I really like that," she said.
"They need time to think about it, and think about what they're going to say and answer."